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Senior Software Developer - Start-up

"I am as analytical and practical as I am inventive. My job may include designing and testing the foundational software that runs devices or controls networks, or writing and developing applications and tools to be used on those devices. Although capable on my own, I will usually collaborate with other developers to build and review software. I also work with software architects, designers, testers, project managers and systems analysts to ensure the software we develop is efficient, aesthetically pleasing, and meets customer needs and other quality requirements."

Salary Range:

$74,000 - $97,000

The Tip

Join a club that is outside of your comfort zone. There is magic in being different. Software development requires passion, dedication and consistency.

Priority Knowledge & Skills
Technical Knowledge & Skills
  • Customizing & maintaining applications

  • Developing & administering databases

  • Web development & administration

  • Mobile applications & device management

  • Human-computer interaction

  • Object-oriented programming

  • Designing, coding & testing software

  • Software modelling, analysis & design

Programming Skills and Certifications
  • Apple OS, Microsoft OS, Android OS

  • ASP.Net

  • Python, C, Java, C++, C#, JavaScript, PHP, VB.Net, Swift

  • Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer (MCSD): App Builder

  • Certified Secure Software Lifecycle Professional (CSSLP)

  • Microsoft SQL server


  • Organizational behaviour

Building Block Experiences
Education & Learning:
  • Bachelor of Science (computer science) with a minor in business

  • To succeed, I need to be fluent in a range of programming languages. I have taken advanced training in Java, C#, C++, Objective-C, Python and ASP.Net.

  • I regularly listen to creativity podcasts


"People sometimes stereotype software designers as nerds. There is some truth to this, but the reality is that to succeed as a designer you need to be an amazing problem-solver and an off-the-wall creative. Creativity can be taught. My minor in business exposed me to entrepreneurship, which taught me non-linear thinking and how to get out of the box. Commit to creativity as much as you commit to keeping up your technical certifications."

Employment Experiences:
  • Developed first app in high school

  • Did contract IT support while in university

  • Completed first internship as a software developer for a local start-up where I developed websites and apps

  • Completed second internship with a global technology company as a technical support analyst where I configured and managed network servers

  • First job out of university was as a programmer for a mid-sized development company. Promoted to designer after three years.

  • Seven years after graduation, I joined a small start-up as senior software developer. I now have a team of three reporting to me.


"I knew with the first sale of my first app that I wanted to be an entrepreneur. The challenge was I didn’t know how much I didn’t know. This led me down an intentional career path that started with doing contract IT support in university, to doing two VERY different internships. I intentionally wanted to find a mid-sized company after graduation that was big enough to support my professional development and mentoring needs, but not too big as to get lost in a cubicle. This experience gave me the skills to shift to a start-up in a senior developer role. The entrepreneurial culture (and ability to take risks) at this start-up inspires me."


Community Experiences:
  • Very active in university in student clubs. Was on the executive of ENACTUS club in university and participated in several “Showcase Showdown” entrepreneurial events in my university.

  • Volunteer webmaster for two local non-profits and developed the membership portal for the Computer Science Students Society of my university

  • On board of local chapter of the Association of Information Technology Professionals

  • Play indoor soccer


"Investing in your community is critical. While in university, join a bunch of clubs that are outside your typical study focus. The goal is to meet different people. For example, I joined ENACTUS in my second week at university and enjoyed it thoroughly for four years. I did pitch competitions, volunteered in the community and met some of the best people from all over campus."

Contextual Experiences:
  • During university, I created a portfolio to profile my diverse skill-set and exC++, Objective-C, PHP, Python, perience


"Look at the context of my professional experience; I was intentionally all over the computing map. My advice is to play the field with paid and volunteer gigs to see what you really like (and are good at) starting today."

  • ENACTUS opened me up to the power of professional mentors. They are both humbling and inspiring.


"In my first year of ENACTUS, my team had a professional mentor who had founded a social innovation company. I leaned on her a lot over my time at university for career and personal advice. Today, I call her a colleague and friend. Everyone needs someone like this."

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