Production Manufacturing Manager
"I create things and I manage people who create things. Production is my trade, I am the first step of supply chain management, and it is my job to manage every aspect of every lower level of production. I organize, direct, control and evaluate all production related processes and results through the management of the respective layers of production managers and supervisors. Management is my passion, and this is where I shine."
Salary Range:
$62,000 - $86,000
The Tip
Think big. Regardless of who you work for, you are always your own boss.
Priority Knowledge & Skills
Customer Relationship Management
Knowledge & ability to:
Apply principles of CRM
Manage a sales process
Compelling presentation & report writing
Develop & execute a distribution strategy
Leverage e-commerce
Develop & execute a merchandising strategy
Leverage co-operative marketing
Provide customer support
Develop & execute a pricing strategy
General Management
Knowledge & ability to:
Manage budgets
Manage projects
Negotiate contracts
Conduct competitive analysis
Conduct environmental scan
Leverage contextual knowledge
Analyze data & leverage business intelligence
Develop and manage forecasts
Manage business intelligence and analytics
Negotiate and manage contracts
Internal Supply Chain Management
Knowledge & ability to:
Collaborate with partners in product/service design
Manage inventory and warehousing
Manage order fulfillment
Manage transportation logistics
Design, establish and manage related contracts
Identify and develop strategic sourcing relationships
Establish strategic and tactical SCM plans and processes
Building Block Experiences
Education & Learning:
Bachelor of Business Administration – Co-op (marketing) with a minor in SCM
Master of Business Administration (finance)
Completed multiple courses in finance at local college
Certificate in digital design
"I am committed to lifelong learning. During my co-op program in university, I was exposed to the pace and diversity of agency life. I need to remain active in becoming technically literate in emerging digital technology and design. I took a single finance course, and this led to the completion of my part-time MBA (paid for by my employer). I try to find a balance between creativity and analytics."
Employment Experiences:
Obtaining an entry level production assembly position which lead to a move into production scheduling
"The ability to build off the experiences and understandings that were obtained as a production assembler, through to production scheduler laid a solid foundation for how to effectively move into the actual production management responsibility – for both output and the people that actually performed the related production roles."
Community Experiences:
Board, national marketing association
Campaign chair, university capital campaign
Active as mentor in alumni association
President, marketing club during BBA
"Being in a leadership position in a university club taught me key networking skills. This led to me securing a co-op agency role. I was intentionally active in the industry association and my university’s capital campaign with a goal of meeting new young talent."
Contextual Experiences:
Took a six-month sabbatical and travelled through Africa and Australia
"I am all in our all out. Taking a sabbatical gave me the “me time” I needed to recharge my batteries. I plan to build this into my mission map throughout my career"
Had a senior mentor early in my career
My spouse has taken time out from their career while our children are in preschool
"My career map isn’t for everyone because it can create personal and professional stress. Balance is difficult, but my spouse and mentor are my rocks. They push me back on course when I lose balance and perspective."