News Reporter (TV or Radio)
"I collect and analyze facts about newsworthy events and people through interviews, research, data analysis and observation. I’m employed by a TV station, but I produce stories across different platforms using video, text, photo galleries and more. My job is to tell people what’s happening so they can make informed decisions as citizens. I pursue the truth by talking to diverse sources and communicate the news to my audience in a manner that’s relevant to them. My reward is making a difference in my community and learning about a variety of issues."
Salary Range:
$54,000 - $119,000
The Tip
Your reputation is your currency. It takes years to build and can be ruined with one mistake. Remember this every day.
Priority Knowledge & Skills
Ability to develop a compelling narrative
Ability to develop evidence-based content
Ability to generate new approaches to familiar stories
Expertise in verbal and written use of language
Visual and audio recording and editing
Ability to pitch ideas
Great at
Apply expertise in media-focused subject areas (current affairs, sports, entertainment, weather)
Link content with a specific audience
Data analytics
Ability to create and edit content for digital applications
Apply deep understanding of media needs, practices and news cycles
Good at
Production planning & design
Manage projects
Execute a promotional strategy
Ability to monetize content
Building Block Experiences
Education & Learning:
Bachelor of Communication (broadcast media studies) with a minor in political science
Other education paths could include: A Bachelor of Communication majoring in journalism, with minors in creative writing, speech, economics, Indigenous studies or criminology, or a diploma in broadcast or media production from a college or technical institute
Aim for the Heart: Write, Shoot and Produce for TV and Multimedia, by Al Tompkins
Keeping up to date on local, national and international news
"Being a broadcast news reporter today is challenging. I am highly motivated to bring news and facts to my audience quickly, so people can make informed decisions in their lives. I hold authorities to account for their decisions and I have researched my stories fully to ensure accuracy. To maintain a competitive advantage, I ensure I’m agile and can work across platforms, telling compelling stories regardless of the medium. I developed a formal education plan to deliver on this. Today, I focus on informal learning to ensure I understand current events and emerging trends and how they may impact my profession. Learning is core to my job every day."
Employment Experiences:
Joined school radio station in first week at university. Hosted my own show in my first year; wrote and produced short newscasts. Used social media to promote my shows.
Joined the street team for a local country music radio station. Later promoted to work as a weekend news reader.
Took a full-time position after graduation as a video journalist in a northern community, where I shot, edited and voiced my own stories
Two years later I landed a position as a local radio reporter for the national broadcaster in a big city. The last few years I’ve spent a lot of time reporting from the courthouse and city hall.
"In the media world, networks create opportunities. I knew this on Day 1 at university and wanted to ensure I used my time, both inside and outside the classroom, as an opportunity to gain experience, build my reputation and develop a portfolio of professional work. My time in the north taught be to be resilient and self-reliant, which has since defined my career."
Community Experiences:
Provided play-by-play for live-streaming of the university’s basketball teams
Produced some videos for performers at a local dance studio
Active member of the Canadian Association of Journalists (CAJ) and the Radio-Television Digital News Association (RTDNA)
"I love investigative journalism and I am an exceptional communicator. I made a difference and I learned so much. This made me a better professional."
Contextual Experiences:
I enrolled in a field school in Mexico and produced a documentary on the punk music scene in Guadalajara with Mexican and Canadian classmates
This profession is highly competitive and requires mobility to progress. I have lived in three cities in 10 years. It is a lifestyle you need to embrace.
"Exposure to diverse cultures, including my time in the north, reinforced my humility because it showed me the world is big and what I actually know is so small."
I enrolled in a mentorship program and spent time with an alumna who offered lots of insight
I took opportunities to introduce myself to other broadcast reporters when I was out in the field on school news assignments
"I know success as a reporter is about building strong relationships and networks. I do this by recognizing all relationships must be win-win. Being a reporter can involve long hours (early mornings, late nights and weekends), so I need to have strong personal relationships."